Day in the Life

May 24, 1882

Journal Entry

May 24, 1882 ~ Wednesday

24 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters today to Canute Peterson & David Williams
of Plesant valley We met in council and voted to Loan
the Logan Temple $2000 to continue the work I attended the
Theater in the Evening


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Letter to Canute Peterson, 24 May 1882
Salt Lake City, . President Peterson. Dear Brother—There is one subject which Brother Richards and myself forgot to converse with you upon while at Ephraim. It is this—Pres- ident Taylor wrote to A. O. Smoot to go to Pleasant Valley and organize that branch, and he wrote to you to do the same, forgetting probably that he had written to Brother Smoot upon the same subject. He got ready to go and organize them, but heard that you had organized them. Now the question arises, Where should that branch belong? To Ephraim, or Provo? We have decided, in council, that they should be united with Utah Stake, for the following reasons—as they are all colliers and a railroad runs to their place, they can get on a car any day in the


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First Presidency counsels men to live with "only one wife under the same roof."
Sixth Constitutional Convention for Utah held; Congress rejects petition for statehood on February 23, 1883.

May 24, 1882