Day in the Life

Jun 10, 1882

Journal Entry

June 10, 1882 ~ Saturday

10 I took cars at 8:10 with J Taylor & J F Smith rode to woods
there took carriages & rode to Bountiful Meeting Hou[s]e to attend
a 2 days Meeting Met at 10 oclok Prayer By Bishop Brown
J Taylor spoke 50 M[inutes], J F Smith 35 M. Afternoon John W
Prayed The Bishops reported verbally W. Woodruff
spoke 25 M. G Reynolds spoke 15 M At the close of the
Meeting we attended a Priesthood Meeting and some
difficulty in the presidency of that stake was talked over
John Taylor J F Smith & W Woodruff spok and several
others I spent the night with Br Perkins 12 M[iles]


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Taylor, John, b. 1808
1 Nov 1808 - 25 Jul 1887
1964 mentions
Hess, John W.
53 mentions
Smith, Joseph Fielding
13 Nov 1838 - 19 Nov 1918
4142 mentions


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Discourse 1882-06-10
W. Woodruff. A minister once asked Joseph Smith if all except the Mormons would be damned. "Yes," said Joseph, "and half of them if they dont repent." If the Lord was angry 50 yrs. ago, what must be his feel- ing today? There were 5 virgins without oil so there are 1/2 of all who have embraced the gos- pel have turned against it [Matthew 25:1-13]. What a small number compared to the whole world have received the truth and how sorrowful it is to see some of those few leaving the truth. All good that has ever been done has been by the holy priesthood. All their marriages end at death. Do we realize the responsibility that is resting on us? O. Cowdery thought if he left the church it would go down, he tried it and we see the re- sult was he had no power to hurt the cause at all No matter what office a man holds the Lord will hold him accountable if he teaches evil. The eyes of all Heaven are on this people. Read from the 84 sec. Doc. & Cov. The prayers of this people are more potent than ^all^ the nations of earth, and no matter how they rage we shall be triumph if we are faithful. Would rather die a thousand deaths than deny the faith.

Jun 10, 1882