10 I took car with J F Smith rode to woods cross and attended 8 m[iles]
a 2 days meeting met at 10 oclok Br Norman prayed Joseph F Smith
spoke one Hour & 20 M He spoke vary strong upon Doctrinal points
Afternoon Thomas Grover Prayed Statistics of the stake was read
There were 2 Patriarch, 226 Seventies, 116 High Priests, 453 Elders
35 Priests, 80 Teachers, 113 Deacons, 3694 Officers & Members
1457 children under 8 years of age, Total of souls 5227.
Bishops then made their verbal reports. Also the superintendents
of Sabbath Schools & Young Mens Mutual Improvement Association
W. Woodruff then spoke 45 M[inutes]. I took supper with Harvy Perkins
I Attended Meeting in the Evening with the Yo[u]ng People
W Woodruff spoke 40 M, and Anson Call said a few words
Joseph F Smith spoke one Hour & 15 M.
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