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Day in the Life

Mar 27, 1883

Journal Entry

March 27, 1883 ~ Tuesday

27 [FIGURE] I wrote Letters to O Jacobson for information upon
the price of Lots in Randolph I received a letter from Br
F G Neilson of sunset & wrote him one in return


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Letter to John Henry Smith, 27 March 1883
Salt Lake City, . Elder John Henry Smith. Dear Brother—Your letter of Feb. 27 arrived all safe, but I have not had time to answer before, and now I have not much news to communicate, only that God reigns and is our friend. Congress closed and Edmunds had not had power to pass his bill, even through the Senate, against us. Geo. Q. Cannon and John T. Caine are at home with us again, in good health and feeling well. The devil, Edmunds, Van Zile, and that class of men are no better pleased with us than before. Well, I do not expect they ever will be. I think we are having the most pleasant March we have ever seen in Utah, ploughing, sowing, and building have been going on through most of the month. The Presidency and Twelve are as well as usual. We have appointed a meeting of the Twelve for April 2nd, Monday, when we expect eight of the Twelve present, to attend to whatever business may be necessary to prepare for Conference. C. C. Rich has had another attack and is quite poorly. Brigham Young and H. J. Grant will not be with us at Conference. They are visiting the Laman- ites of Arizona. They have visited all the seven villages, but have not re- ported their labors to us yet. We shall keep Geo. Teasdale with us until after Conference, though he expected to get off on his mission be- fore. Our stonecutters are cutting the last course of the Temple granite to the square, which we hope to see laid on the wall the coming summer. In your letter you referred to the counsel you wished me to give you, as your father did. Brother John Henry, I do not know what counsel I can give you. You have passed your boyhood. You have entered your manhood, with the apostleship and power of God upon your head. You strictly keep the word of wisdom, and I am confi-
Letter to John Henry Smith, 27 March 1883
Salt Lake City, . Elder John Henry Smith. Dear Brother—On the 25th we received lacking numbers of the "Star," 2 copies for Jan. 15, 1883, and 3 copies for Nov. 13, 1882. Only one copy came for March 5, 1833 [1883], so that we need two more copies of that num- ber. We are also short of 3 copies for May 23, 1881, and 1 copy for Nov. 21, 1881. If you can send them, they would complete files here. It would be a good thing if you would send to this (Historian's) Office, for preservation here, 2 bound copies of the "Star" for each year, at the end of each volume, 2 bound copies of the "Journal of Discourses," at the end of each volume, and 2 copies of any other Church book which may be published at the Liverpool office. These bound books could be sent per returning elders. Your brother in the Gospel, W Woodruff

Mar 27, 1883