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Day in the Life

Mar 28, 1883

Journal Entry

March 28, 1883 ~ Wednesday

28 [FIGURES] I received one letter from J G Bleak I had our ownly
cow bloated to the fullest Extent we gave her soday then salt
finally as the last resort I had an opening made in the ponch
on the left side and put in a pipe with a quarter inch hole to
let the gass out she would have been dead without it I also
put a stick in her Mouth through all the operation she
was saved I put her in a warm stable at night I attended
council in the Afternoon John W. Young was with us


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

Bleak, James Godson
15 Nov 1829 - 30 Jan 1918
448 mentions
Young, John Willard
1 Oct 1844 - 11 Feb 1924
299 mentions

Mar 28, 1883