29 Sunday we Met at 10 oclock Prayer By Loren Farr G Q Cannon
spoke 65 M[inutes], F D Richards 16. Afternoon, sacrament Administered
Church Authorities, Administered sacram[en]t presented W Woodruff
spoke 60 M, G Q Cannon 30 M we had a crouded House
and much of the spirit of the Lord was with us and we had a good
conference In the Evening I visited widow Wight & Father &
Mother Davis Sister Davis was 84 & Br Davis was 88 years
Father Davis related the following peace of History to me which
I had never heard Before ^[FIGURE]
^ After giving me an Account of his
having to leave his house in the night and could take
nothing with him ownly what he could pack on two
Horses with his wife & several children the Mob robed
him of Every thing He had in his house & on his farm &
he had to travel some 20 miles to get into Far west and
was ownly saved By the Power of God from falling into the
hands of Bogard & his party on their return from Crooked river Battle
The following incident of History wars repeated to W Woodruff
On the Evening of Aprail 29, 1883 By Wm Davis 88 years of age
and Blind. He said After they were driven from Far West
and Joseph Smith the prophet was in Liberty Jail He Wm
Davis went to Liberty to see the prophet while there Mr
Weathers the County Surveyor came to him and said Mr.
Davis I want to ask you some questions and I want you to tell
me the truth will you do it. He answered I will if I know it Mr Davis
do you not know that there is 300 Mormons lying in ambush near
this town, with the intention of liberating Joseph Smith and his
brethren from prision. Mr Davis Answered No sir I do not know
that there is one Mormon lying in Ambush in this region. Mr
Davis do you not know that there is 300 Indians lying in ambush
near this town to liberate Joseph Smith. No sir I do not know
that there is an Indian any whare near here Mr Weathers then
said last night all the guard saw three Indian Chiefs dressed in
war rament walk three times around Liberty Jail whare
Mormons are imprisioned and Evry th time they came
aroung [around] they struck their tomakawks into a cedar post and
then they went off towards the forest and when they left there
was a large Bow & Arrow appeared in the Heavens over the
Jail and it shone like silver and the reflection of it cast its
form upon the Jail over the probbats room and that was a
sure sign that there was 300 Indians in Ambush to liberate
the prisioners And Mr Weathers & the guard all believed
this was true if it is correct it is certainly worthy
of a place in the History of the Church
^ G. Q. Cannon L. Snow F. D. Richards & W Woodruff ordained
Daniel M Burbank a High Priest & Patriarch W Woodruff
was Mouth
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The following incident of History wars repeated to W Woodruff On the Evening of Aprail 29, 1883 By Wm Davis 88 years of age and Blind He said After they were driven from Far West and Joseph Smith the prophet was in Liberty Jail He Wm Davis went to Liberty to see the prophet while there Mr Weathers the County Surveyor came to him and said Mr Davis I want to ask you some questions and I want you to tell the truth will you do it. He answered I will if I know it Mr Davis do you not know that there is 300 Mormons lying in ambush near this town, with the intention of liberating Joseph Smith and his brethren from Prision. Mr Davis Answered No sir I do not know that there is one Mormon lying in Ambush in this region. Mr Davis do you not know that there is 300 Indians lying in ambush near this town to liberate Joseph Smith. No Sir I do not know that there is an Indian any whare near here Mr Weathers then said last night all the guard saw three Indians Chiefs dressed in war rament walk three times around Liberty Jail whare Mormons are imprisioned and Evry th time they came aroung [around] they struck their tomakawks into a cedar post and then they went off towards the forest and when they left there was a large Bow & Arrow appeared in the Heavens over the Jail and it shone like silver and the reflection of it cast its form upon the Jail over the probbats room and that was a sure sign that there was 300 Indians in Ambush to liberate the prisioners And Mr Weathers & the guard all believed this was true if it is correct it is certainly worthy of a place in the History of the Church