Day in the Life

May 6, 1883

Journal Entry

May 06, 1883 ~ Sunday

6 Sunday I rode to Logan Met at 10 oclok prayer By Lorenzo Hatch
W Woodruff spoke 20 M[inutes] F. D. Richards 33 M G Q Cannon 53 M
I met at noon in council at Br M Thatcher we visited the Temple
went through it and then rode to Smithfield. Distance of the day 18 Miles
we held a Meeting at 7:30 Angus M Cannon spoke one hour W W 40 m


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Cannon, Angus Munn
17 May 1834 - 7 Jun 1915
Richards, Franklin Dewey
2 Apr 1821 - 9 Dec 1899
816 mentions
Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2273 mentions
Hatch, Lorenzo Hill
4 Jan 1826 - 20 Apr 1910
446 mentions


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We drove to Richmond & I visited Beason Lewis who was 74 years of Age and was Entirely helpless from a stroke of paralasis had been so for a year He has been a good man [FIGURES] and done Much good. He wanted me to Bless him which I felt impressed to do, & while my hands was upon his head I felt strongly moved upon to ordain him a High Priest and Patriarch which I did do and the spirit & Power of God rested upon us while doing it and He felt vary thankful for the Blessing
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Discourse 1883-05-06
Sunday, 10 a m. Opening exercises. Prayer by Elder L. L. Hatch. PRESIDENT WILFORD WOODRUFF. I listened yesterday with much in- terest to the reports of the Bishops and of the societies. The Lord has said He would do nothing but He would reveal his secrets to His ser- vants the prophets. [Amos 3:7] This dispensa- tion is one in which will be poured out the judgements of God upon the wicked, it is a dispensation of the preaching of the gospel to all nations; the gathering of the honest and of the pruning of the vineyard for the last time. From the history of the world we learn that value exalteth a people but sin is a reproach to any people. Sin has always overthrown any nation that has practiced it. The history of the children of Israel shows in many instances the effects of sin. The Lord would use a heathen king or nation with which to chastise them when they did wickedly. No man can even read in the scrip- tures of any change in the ordinance of the House of God. Adam and Moses, had we been with them, would have taught us faith in the Mes- siah, and baptism for the remission of sins, as ordinances of salvation. Enoch, Abraham and all the ancient prophets taught the same plan of salvation as did the prophet Joseph Smith. There has been no change in those ordinances during the last 6,000 years. In our day there have been the most wonderful discoveries and in- ventions ever brought forth in any age. It was in the year 1807, the year in which I was born, that steam- boats were invented by Fulton and now the ocean is covered with them. In what age before this was such a thing as a car propelled by steam seen? Isaiah saw one in vision bear- ing the Saints to the mountains, but no man before our age ever saw such a thing except in a vision. In this same age among all these wonderful inventions and discoveries we have a new religion or rather a new covenant. The Lord has brought forth a prophet and called forth his church out of the wilderness to be established in these mountains. The descendants of Israel, of Ephraim, who have been scattered and sifted among the nations, are being gather- ed out. This is the work of the Lord and not of man; conceived in the mind of the Lord, and brought forth according to His will. Satan knows that by the spread of this work his power will be limited and he will finally be bound. Therefore as Saints we have a great work resting upon us. We are called to proclaim the gospel to the nations and gather out the honest. The Lord has promised to gather out Zion and establish his people [al-] though a woman might forget [her] sucking child, He cannot forget Zi[on] [Isaiah 49:15] There has never been a dispensa- tion of the gospel like the present one. This is different from any that has preceded it. It embraces all that has been given in the past. The Lord is blessing His Saints here with wealth, but let them not foget God. He has decreed that Zion shall not be removed out of her place, therefore if Zion commits sin she will be chastized until she purifies herself Therefore serve the Lord, pay your tithes, assist in building Temples, at- tend your prayers and live your re- ligion faithfully.

May 6, 1883