Day in the Life

May 13, 1883

Journal Entry

May 13, 1883 ~ Sunday

13 Sunday I met in the prayer circles & gave instruction
to them we Met at 10:30. W Woodruff spoke one hour
I administered again to Sister Smoot

Keys crossed A crown A. O. Smoot told W. Woodruff that He & Alanson
while surveying out Adam Ondi Ahman about 22 Miles
North of Jackson County Missouri they came acros a stone
wall in the midst of a dens forest & underbrush The wall was
was 30 feet long 3 feet thick, and about 4 feet high above the ground
and laid in mortar or cement, when Joseph Smith the
Prophet visited the place, and Examined the wall. He said it
was the remains of an Altar Built By Father Adam whare he
offered sacrafice after He was driven from the Garden of
which was located in Jackson County Missouri
The whotle Town which was laid out and named Adam Ondi
Ahman was in the midst of a thick & heavy forest of timber
and the place named after Adams Altar The Prophet Joseph said
it was upon this Altar whare Adam blessed his sons and
Posterity Before his death Let Historians of the Church note this

In the Evening we took cars and returned home 50 Miles


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Smoot, Abraham Owen
17 Feb 1815 - 6 Mar 1895
583 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
297 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Smith, Joseph (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844
94 mentions
1835 Southern Convert


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A. O. Smoot told W. Woodruff that He & Alanson Ripley while surveying out Adam Ondi Ahman about 22 Miles North of Jackson County Missouri they came acros a stone wall in the midst of a dens forest & underbrush. The wall was 30 feet long 3 feet thick, and about 4 feet high above the ground and laid in mortar or cement. when Joseph Smith the Prophet visited the place, and Examined the wall, He said it was the remains of an Altar Built By Father Adam whare he offered sacrafice after he was driven from the Garden of Eden which was located in Jackson County Missouri The whotle town which was laid out and named Adam Ondi Ahman was in the midst of a thick & heavy forest of timber and the place named after Adams Altar The Prophet Joseph said it was upon this Altar whare Adam blessed his sons and Posterity Before his death Let Historians of the Church note this
~ A.O. Smoot

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Discourse 1883-05-13
Pres. W. Woodruff: Spoke of the dealing of God in the history of the world. Had noticed that whenever nations departed from the paths of vuirtuue and righteousness, they were cast down. Whenever men served God he upheld and and sustained them. But of all the changes that have taken place from Father Adam one thing has never changed—and that is the Gos- pel of Jesus Christ. Referred to the mechanical improvements of the latter times, all tending to the gathering of Isreal in these days. Spoke of ancient prophecy and its litteral fulfillment. Spoke of the stupendous work of the Saints in the few years they have been in the Valleys of Ephraim. Spoke of the swift judgments that would come upon those who have persecuted the Saints. We have not got through with the warning of the nations. I am getting more en- larged in my feelings regarding the people of the nations; we are baptizing a hundred a month in the Southern States. The Lord will fight our battles if we will keep his commandments and build his temples. The young men will have to bear off this Kingdom. Made a powerful exhort- tation to the Saints to be faithful.

May 13, 1883