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Day in the Life

Jun 3, 1883

Journal Entry

June 03, 1883 ~ Sunday

3 I rode to Orangeville 6 Miles & Attended Meeting
at 10 oclok Prayer By James Woodward. Two Bishops
reported verbally. The Authorities of the Church were
Presented & sustained. Statistics of the Church were then
read as Follows 2 Patriarchs, 44 High Priests
77 Seventies, 175 Elders, 14 Priests, 26 Teachers
48 Deacons, 1072 Officers & Members, 591 children
1653 Total Souls. W Woodruff spoke 50 [minutes]. I ordained
A Brother Logan to the office of Patriarch By the vote of the
People Afternoon Prayer By Charles Pulsipher
A M Cannon spoke 45 M[inutes], T E Taylor spoke 43 M[inutes]
we returned to Castle Dale & spent the night 12 M[iles]


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

Cannon, Angus Munn
17 May 1834 - 7 Jun 1915
185 mentions
Pulsipher, Charles
20 Apr 1834 - 20 Nov 1915
14 mentions
1 mention
Logan, Robert
2 mentions
Taylor, Thomas E.
15 Sep 1850 - 28 Jan 1922
5 mentions


Browse places mentioned in Wilford Woodruff's journal entry on this day.

Jun 3, 1883