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Day in the Life

Jun 23, 1883

Journal Entry

June 23, 1883 ~ Saturday

23 [FIGURE] L E. Harrington In company with John Sharp L W Hardy R T Burton
we rode in a private car to American Fork and attende the

Funeral of Bishop L E. Harrington we met at the House and followed
the corpse to the Meeting House which was filled to overflowing
The servises commenced at 10 oclok Prayer By Brother Paxman
W Woodruff spoke 25 M[inutes] A short synopsis is published in D News
of June 25/[18]83 He was followed By L W Hardy, R T Burton, John
A. O. Smoot M Tanner, Dusenbury Masen & D Johns
who spoke about 5 M[inutes] each. The Body looked amaciated. He
was followed to the Tomb by a large company at the close of
the services we took the car and returned to the City 70 Mils


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

Smoot, Abraham Owen
17 Feb 1815 - 6 Mar 1895
556 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
John, David
40 mentions
Sharp, John
9 Nov 1820 - 23 Dec 1891
67 mentions
Hardy, Leonard Wilford
31 Dec 1805 - 31 Jul 1884
222 mentions
Tanner, Myron
10 mentions
Burton, Robert Taylor
25 Oct 1821 - 11 Nov 1907
125 mentions
157 mentions


Browse places mentioned in Wilford Woodruff's journal entry on this day.

Jun 23, 1883