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Day in the Life

Jun 30, 1883

Journal Entry

June 30, 1883 ~ Saturday

30. I met in council with the Twelve & Presidents of the
70. We recomended to the Presidency of the Church Br
Christian Daniel Fjelsted to fill the place of John Vancott
we conversed upon a variety of subjects


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Letter to John Taylor, George Quayle Cannon, and Joseph Fielding Smith, 30 June 1883
President John Taylor and Counsellors George Q. Cannon and Joseph F. Smith. Dear Brethren in the Lord— At a meeting, of six of the Twelve Apostles and four of the First Presidents of Seventies, held this day it was unanimously agreed to submit for your consideration the name of Christian Daniel Fjeldsted of Logan, but now presiding over the Scandinavian Mission, and who is a member of the 57th Quorum of Seventies, as, to the best of our knowl- edge and judgment, the most suitable person to fill the vacancy in the Council of first presidents of Seventies, occasioned by the death of our beloved brother Elder John Van Cott. Yours in the love of the Gospel, W. Woodruff, President of Twelve, H. S. Eldredge, Prest. of Council of Seventies. F. D. Richards—Clerk of Council. approved J. T

Jun 30, 1883