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Day in the Life

Aug 5, 1883

Journal Entry

August 05, 1883 ~ Sunday

Aug 5th 1883
Sunday Met at 10. Prayer By A Stainer W Woodruff
spoke 70 M[inutes], L Farr 20. Afternoon Prayer By Wm Maugn
Sacrament Administered And the Authorities of the Church
Presented and sustained Erastus Snow spoke one hour & 20 m
W Woodruff spoke 5 M. At the close of the Meeting I rode to
Smithfield and held a Meeting S Roskelly spoke 25 M
& W Woodruff 30 Mi 16 Miles


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138 mentions
Snow, Erastus
9 Nov 1818 - 27 May 1888
640 mentions
Farr, Lorin
25 Jul 1820 - 12 Jan 1909
69 mentions
Roskelley, Samuel
1 Jan 1837 - 10 Feb 1914
136 mentions


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Discourse 1883-08-05
APOSTLE WILFORD WOODRUFF said: Sixteen years ago I visited Logan with President Young. The boys and girls turned out to meet us, and we held a meeting in the Bowery. President Young asked me to ta[l]k. I did so, and predicted that many who were present would yet be per- mitted to stand on top of a Temple erected upon the bench overlooking this city, and look down from thence over tens of thousands of Latter-day Saints, whose homes would be in this valley. At that time, no one as far as I know, had thought of erecting a Temple there, but we see the predic- tion fulfilled. The speaker related a striking dream which he had in Boston, in the early days of the Church, in which he saw the Saints assemble in the Rocky Mountains, build a Temp[l]e, and engage in sacred work there[i]n. In this dream, he also saw the Laman- ites enter the Temple, and he beheld them working in it. This dream was had long before any one in the Church, so far as was known, ent[e]r- tained the thought of the Saints coming to these valleys. The speaker discoursed upon the progress the work of God is making in these mountains, and exhorted the Saints to be united in their political as well as all their other interests and affairs.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Wilford sustained in General Conference as Church Historian and recorder.

Aug 5, 1883