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Day in the Life

Dec 22, 1883

Journal Entry

December 22, 1883 ~ Saturday

[FIGURE] 22 We have had rain for two days which is a
singular thing for St George. I rode out this morning
down to the Pond and river and rode around to the
Washington fields & returned 12 miles I attended a
council with Brothers Ray Hawks & the three Lamanite
Brethren. I then Attended the Weding Party at Br
D D McArthurs and then Attended the first ward
Party Meeting to settle the Difficulty betwen Bishop
Judd and the People we had a much more Plesant
Meeting than before. Bishop Judd had seen his Error
and Asked forgiveness and made all right and
all voted to forgive him and sustain him Mc-
Judd Snow & Woodruff all spoke


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7 mentions
McArthur, Daniel Duncan
8 Apr 1820 - 3 Jun 1908
73 mentions
Snow, Erastus
9 Nov 1818 - 27 May 1888
640 mentions
McAllister, John Daniel Thompson
19 Feb 1827 - 21 Jan 1910
596 mentions
50 mentions
Judd, Thomas
1 Sep 1845 - 7 Jun 1922
10 mentions


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Daybook (6 December 1883 - 3 May 1884)
22 We have had rain here for 2 days & nights I went this m[or]n[in]g with Brother Thompson to a pond south of the temple & we had 30 ducks on a hunt of snipes the size of a teal in our waggon by 9 {shorthand} then we went hunting quail saw a good many but got none we then ret[ur]ned & I attended a Meeting with Broth[ers] Ray Hawks & 3 Lamanite Brethren from Arizona who had come and got their Endow[men]ts it was interesting I then attended the wedding party at Brother
Daybook (6 December 1883 - 3 May 1884)
Mc Arthurths McArthurs I after attended a Meeting at 1st ward & ret[urn]ed home 12 Mi[les] Bro McAllister Judd Snow & Woodruff spok to the people W W moved that the people sust[ain]ed Brother Judd which was carried unanim[ous]ly


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Dec 22, 1883