Day in the Life

Dec 28, 1883

Journal Entry

December 28, 1883 ~ Friday

28 I called upon Br Wakefield then went to the
Temple and in sercarching my record I find I
have been baptized for 2934 of my Dead have
Endowments for 2305 and have 628 more
to be Endowed for I have been sealed for 978 couple
of Dead friends I have been sealed for 134 couple of
dead friends on this present visit. There was 57
Endowments to day 30 ordinations & 31 sealings I
dined with Br McAllister


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McAllister, John Daniel Thompson
19 Feb 1827 - 21 Jan 1910
661 mentions


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Letter from James Godson Bleak, 28 December 1883
President Woodruff. The Cost of St George Temple to this date, as per entries in the Books of this Office, is Four hundred and sixty nine thousand, three hundred and seventy 18/100 dollars ($469370 18/100) The Cost of the New Boiler and Attach- ments and freight thereon to Milford this year, also part of the freight from Milford of Apparaties and attachments belonging to the Boiler are not included in above Cost as we have not received the re- port as yet from the President's Office Salt Lake City. Your Brother James G. Bleak. To 31st Dec 1883 $470,394.31 1871 2368.03 1872 8032.07 1873 32780.50 1874 108555.47 1875 123433.64 1876 111855.90 1877 24643.26 1878 4652.34 1879 4621.83 1880 3640.83 1881 2616.34 1882 11677.63 1883 31516.47 $470,394.31 [sideways text] Entd in Annals Close of 1883. [end of sideways text]
Daybook (6 December 1883 - 3 May 1884)
Dec 28 [18]83. I called upon Bro Wakefield then went to the Temple and found I had been sealed for ^134^ 126 couple since my arival in St George this time I find on my sealing record that I have sealed 978 couple on the record up to Dec 28, 1883 I have had sealed to me accord[in]g to the record 320 Dead women up to 25 Dec 1883 Ema was sealed for 134 I have had 2305 Endow[me]nts for my dead. I have 628 yet to do for Endow[me]nts mak[in]g a total on the record of my baptisms 2934 up to date Endow[me]nts 57 ordinat[ion]s 30 sealings 31 sealings children to parents 9 I dined with Bro McAllister we then took carriage & rode to Washington & stoped with Bro Barron
Daybook (6 December 1883 - 3 May 1884)
& held a Meet[in]g J McAllister spok 20 M[inutes] John E Carlisle spok 15 M[inutes] W W spok 55 M[inutes] 5 G Teasdale spok 10 M[inutes] 4 I spent the night at Br Barrons 6 M[iles]


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Dec 28, 1883