I took cars rode to Ogden then in a carriage
to North Ogden in a carriage to attend the Funeral of
Betsey Cossett Alvard On my arival A terrific snowstorm
set in the wind Blowing so strong that we could not carry the
corps[e] to the Meeting house we had to wait for two hours
before we wcould carry the body out A company of men
also waited upon me and informed me that they did
not wish to have the body buried untill a coroners inq-
u[e]st was held as they considered there had been great
neglect in her last sickness I got both parties together
and sat and listened to their testimony for two hours
and [at] the End I decided there was no cause of action
and I advised all parties to bury all their complaints
with the woman and they voted to do it I met the congregation
at 4 oclok and spoke 15 Minuts then rode to Ogden with
Bishop Holmes then took cars & rode to Salt Lake 65 M[iles]
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