March 8, 1884
Phebe W. Woodruff
is 77 years
old today
This is Phebe Whitemore Carter Woodruffs
Birth day she is 77 years old this day
at 10 oclok A.M. w[e] have both been
preserved in a wonderful manner
through all the vicissitudes of this life so
far and both are still in good reasonable health.
I took cars & rode to Woods Cross to attend a quarterly
conference at Bountiful we Met at 10 oclok
Peter Barton Prayed The statisctical report was read
Davis stake contained 2 Patriarch, 136 High Priest
220 seventies, 326 Elders, 75 Priests, 70 Teachers, 108 Deacons
3810 Officers & Members, 1586 children under 8 years
5396 Total of souls. Four Bishops then made a verbal
report of their wards. Then W Woodruff spoke 50 Minuts
upon the organization of the Priesthood and its labor
we dined with Br Call, and Met again at 2 oclok
J. B. Nobles Prayed. 4 Bishops Reported then Joseph F
Smith spoke 60 Minuts I spent the night at Br Calls 10 M[iles]
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