Day in the Life

Mar 8, 1884

Journal Entry

March 08, 1884 ~ Saturday

March 8, 1884

A heart
Phebe W. Woodruff
is 77 years
old today

This is Phebe Whitemore Carter Woodruffs
Birth day she is 77 years old this day
at 10 oclok A.M. w[e] have both been
preserved in a wonderful manner
through all the vicissitudes of this life so
far and both are still in good reasonable health.
I took cars & rode to Woods Cross to attend a quarterly
conference at Bountiful we Met at 10 oclok
Peter Barton Prayed The statisctical report was read
Davis stake contained 2 Patriarch, 136 High Priest
220 seventies, 326 Elders, 75 Priests, 70 Teachers, 108 Deacons
3810 Officers & Members, 1586 children under 8 years
5396 Total of souls. Four Bishops then made a verbal
report of their wards. Then W Woodruff spoke 50 Minuts
upon the organization of the Priesthood and its labor
we dined with Br Call, and Met again at 2 oclok
J. B. Nobles Prayed. 4 Bishops Reported then Joseph F
spoke 60 Minuts I spent the night at Br Calls 10 M[iles]


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Call, Anson
13 May 1810 - 31 Aug 1890
Noble, Joseph Bates
14 Jan 1810 - 17 Aug 1900
Smith, Joseph Fielding
13 Nov 1838 - 19 Nov 1918
4146 mentions
Woodruff, Phebe Whittemore Carter
8 Mar 1807 - 10 Nov 1885
1589 mentions


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Discourse 1884-03-08
Bro. Woodruff, spoke of the benefits growing out of conferring a portion of the priesthood on our young men. Our boys are of the lineage of Abraham & of the Joseph that was sold into Egypt. It is good to begin at the foot of the ladder. This is the only people who bear the priesthood who have the right to bpreach the gospel & who have author- ity to administer in its ordinances. You might as well try to chain the lightning as to try to enslave such men as Brigham, Jno Taylor &c; & yet, the world think we are serfes. Always felt to be obedient to leaders because they are called of God to preside & We are at peace because we know that they who are fighting against Zion are working out their own con- demnation & downfall while the kingdom will re- main till Christ comes whose right it is to reign. God will take care of the wicked & if we keep his laws they cannot harm us.
Daybook (6 December 1883 - 3 May 1884)
March 8, 1884 {shorthand} Cars rode to Woods Cross Attended Meeting at East Bountiful Meeting House at 10 c {shorthand} Peter Barton Statistical report read 2 Patriarch H[igh] P[riests] 136 70 [Seventies] 220 Elders 326, Priests 75 Teachers 70 Deacons 108 Officers & Members 3810 Children under 8, 1586 Total Souls, 5396. Bishops verbally reported W Woodruff spoke 50 M[inutes] we Dined with Br Call and Attended Meeting in the Afternoon {shorthand} J B Nobles Bishops reported the condition of the wards all said there was an improvement in the [ward] J F. Smith spoke 60 M[inutes] M 3

Mar 8, 1884