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Day in the Life

Apr 14, 1884

Journal Entry

April 14, 1884 ~ Monday

14 Returned home and I sent 20 letters to all the
Bishops in the stake Presidents of stake in this ^35 M[iles].^
Territory I received 2 letters


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Discourse 1884-04-14
President Wilford Woodruff said that it was our duty to extend our settlements over the land and occupy it. In pursuance of this policy a number had been called to go to Arizona to settle there, but many had gone to the wrong places which had left the Saints at the settlement of St Johns weak-handed, and as a consequence to a great ex- tent subject to depredations from lawless individuals located at that place. It was considered wise to protect the Saints in their rights in St. Johns, which was the key to the whole Arizona country and one of the best locations in it, and to that end the authorities had felt prompted to send more missionaries there to strengthen the hands of the Saints and others desirous of preventing lawlessness.
Daybook (6 December 1883 - 3 May 1884)
send rece[i]pt we administered to 3 sick retu[rn]ed home & sent off 20 Letters to 1 to each presid[en]t of all the stake in Utah [FIGURE] rec[eiv]d 2 lett[e]r[s] fr[o]m Tenny


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Apr 14, 1884