Day in the Life

May 17, 1884

Journal Entry

May 17, 1884 ~ Saturday

May 17 I Met in the Temple at 10:30 in Logan
to attend to the Dedication of the same we met in the
Main upper Room for that purpose. Doors were opene
A building at 10 oclke and the people were permitted
to Enter upon showing a ticket of
Admission About 1500 persons were
admitted. The Priesthood occupied
the stands. The first Presidency occup[ied]
the upper stand in the west End G Q Cannon

the North side J. F. Smith the south President Taylor
the centre W Woodruff occupied the North seat with
G Q Cannon L Snow the south by the side of J F. Smith
The quorum of the Twelve Apostles occupied the side seatts
North of the upper stand The Patriarch the south
the seventies the North of the stand. Below the Twelve
The Presidency of the stake occupied the stand Below
the first Presidency. The Presidents of the Elders Quorum
occupied the lower stand at the west End The
Bishops & Aaronic Priesthood occupied the
west stand. Meeting comm[ence]d at 10:30. Presidt
John Taylor read the Dedicatory Prayer, Temple
Hymn sung. The Prayer is published in the various
papers of the day. While attending the Dedication
of this Temple, The reflection came upon me of the
many hours I had spent in prayer in my Early
manhood in calling upon God to permit me to live
in the Earth to see the Christurch of Christ Esstablished
and a people raised up who would receive the
Ancient Gospel and contend for the faith once
deliverd to the Saints The LORD promised me
that I should live to find the people of God and
have a Name & a place withhisn [his] walls, & within
his House, A name Better than of sons or of Daught[ers]
a Name that should not be cut off And I to day
rejoice in having a Name with his people and assist
in the Dedication of Another Temple to his most
Holy Name. Praise be unto God and the Lamb forever

G Q Cannon spoke 15 M[inutes], Joseph F Smith 20 M[inutes]
W Woodruff 20 who said
[several lines blank]

Lorenzo Snow spoke 20 M[inutes] President Taylor had
all the people stand up and gave a shout of Hosannah
to god and the Lamb repeated 3 times. There were about
1600 people Present. Met again at 2 oclok Prayer By
A M Cannon. Jacob Gates spoke 18 M[inutes], F D Richards 30 m[inutes]
E Snow 24 M[inutes], Joseph F Smith spoke 20 M[inutes] President Taylor spoke
upon the Payment of the Temple I went to Smithfield and spent
the night But suffered through the night with a cold. 8 Miles


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Cannon, Angus Munn
17 May 1834 - 7 Jun 1915
Snow, Erastus
9 Nov 1818 - 27 May 1888
699 mentions
Richards, Franklin Dewey
2 Apr 1821 - 9 Dec 1899
816 mentions
Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2273 mentions
Gates, Jacob
9 Mar 1811 - 14 Apr 1892
73 mentions
Zion's Camp
Taylor, John, b. 1808
1 Nov 1808 - 25 Jul 1887
1962 mentions
Smith, Joseph Fielding
13 Nov 1838 - 19 Nov 1918
4135 mentions
Snow, Lorenzo
3 Apr 1814 - 10 Oct 1901
703 mentions
Apostle, Family


Browse places mentioned in Wilford Woodruff's journal entry on this day. Click on the place names to view other pages where they are mentioned.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

May 17, 1884