Day in the Life

May 4, 1884

Journal Entry

May 04, 1884 ~ Sunday

4 Sunday I attended Meeting at 10 oclok C. W. Penrose
Prayed. Wm Taylor spoke upon the Money collected
for the Logan Temple W Woodruff then spoke 30 Min

Br Day spoke 5 M[inutes], Br Edington 16 gave a short history
of the High Council for Salt Lake Stake John Taylor 10 m[inutes]
Afternoon prayr By Milando Pratt President John
Taylor spoke 58 M[inutes]. We held a meeting in the big
in the Evening. G Q Cannon spoke one
Hour & 17 Minuts clothed with much of the spirit of God


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Penrose, Charles William
4 Feb 1832 - 16 May 1925
Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2257 mentions
Taylor, John, b. 1808
1 Nov 1808 - 25 Jul 1887
1954 mentions
Pratt, Milando Merrill
30 Sep 1848 - 8 Nov 1930
15 mentions


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Discourse 1884-05-04
President Wilford Woodruff said that the God of Israel had called this people out of the world and we need not be surprised if they are opposed to us, for the world had always persecuted the Saints of God, and the only hope for the deliverance of this people was in the God of Israel. He would sustain and deliver us if we trusted in Him. This gosepl had been rejected by the Jews and was then preached to and received by the Gentiles. They in turn fell into apostasy. When the gospel was restored again it was preached first to the Gentile nations and as a result of the proclamation of the Gospel this people had been gathered from the four quarters of the earth. In other ages men had made laws to entrap the people of God, and in all cases where men had proven faithful, God had been the friend of His people. This nation was in the hands of God and He would sustain his people if they would do what was right and trust in God. This work was set up never more to be thrown down and no power could stay its progress. The blindness and hypocrisy of the world which was wallowing in cor- ruption in railing against the Latter-day Saints was to be lamented, and must call forth the indignation of a righteous God. It was for us to look to ourselves and set our own houses in order, and trust in God and all would be well with us, and the nearer we drew to God the more we would increase in light and intelligence. The spirits of this people had been reserved to come forth in this day and some of the great- est and best of the children of God that had ever been upon the earth had come and were coming forth in our day.
Daybook (6 December 1883 - 3 May 1884)
Sunday Morning {shorthand} C W Penrose Wm Taylor spok[e] upon the Logan Temple. W Woodruff spok[e] 30 M[inutes] Br Day sp[o]k[e] 5 M[inutes] 3 Br Edington spok[e] 16 M[inutes] 4 John Taylor sp[o]k[e] 10 M[inutes] 2 to 8 Afternoon {shorthand} Milando Prat John Taylor spok[e] 58 M 6 x 1 20 of May go by rail to St John
Daybook (6 December 1883 - 3 May 1884)
I met in the Evening {shorthand} J F Wells all the presid[en]cy pres[en]t G Q Cannon sp[o]k[e] ^1 H[our] & 17^ M[inutes] 11 Leonard John Nuttall Heber Godard was ord[ain]ed


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May 4, 1884