Day in the Life

May 30, 1884

Journal Entry

May 30, 1884 ~ Friday

30 We arose in the Morning & found 3 of our Horses gone
the Brethren Hunted untill 130 oclok & could not find them
we then took one team & waggon & went on, and the
Boys found the lost Horses about night we went on to Br
Ricks ferry and crossed in a ferry boat by a wire roap
and pullies abut 200 feet across one fork of Snake River
when we reached the East bank of the river two yoak of
Oxen was hitched on to the boat and drew us about a quarter
of a Mile to dry land But we found the water had overflowed
its [bank] and covered the road so that we had to travel over
the rocky Levy beds and in the sage brush but we arived
at Rexburg all safe distance of the day 25 Mils


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Ricks, Thomas Edwin
21 Jul 1828 - 28 Sep 1901
445 mentions


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May 30, 1884