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Day in the Life

Jun 14, 1884

Journal Entry

June 14, 1884 ~ Saturday

14 A Plesant Morning the greatest complaint Musketoes

This is an Island the soil vary rich but the gentiles
have located 3 sections of University lands upon it
so the Mormons should not occupy it Brother Pool is
on that land. we road out to view the country, we
road on the top of the Cedar butes whare we had a
view of the whole country we held a Meeting at Cedar
at 10:30 Prayer By Robert L. Bybee W Woodruff
spoke 36 M[inutes], H J Grant 30, T. E. Ricks 10 M[inutes] B Pool 17
Br Bybee 5 M[inutes], Andrew S Anderson dismissed.


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

Grant, Heber Jeddy
22 Nov 1856 - 14 May 1945
256 mentions
3 mentions
Ricks, Thomas Edwin
21 Jul 1828 - 28 Sep 1901
144 mentions


Browse places mentioned in Wilford Woodruff's journal entry on this day.


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Jun 14, 1884