Day in the Life

Jun 21, 1884

Journal Entry

June 21, 1884 ~ Saturday

21 In company with Wilford I rode over Jordon but in
consequence of High water we had to go some 5 mile to get
to our Lucern Lot and the lot itself was half cov[er]ed
with water I do not think there has been as much snow
in the rocky Mountains, or as Much water in the streams &
Lakes as there is at the present time since we came to these
Mountains in 1847 I went to the farm and spent the nigh


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Woodruff, Wilford (Jr.)
22 Mar 1840 - 9 May 1921
721 mentions


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Letter from Asahel Hart Woodruff, 21 June 1884
Audley Staffordshire Dear Father I was pleased on my arrival here a few hours ago at finding a letter from you dated at Rexburg Onida Co Idaho June 1st, and it is with pleasure that I take my pen to answer it. Was glad to heare you are well with the exception of a cold which I trust will soon leave. You seem to have had several quite exciting episods in your travels north. Am glad to hear of the marriage of Bro M F Cowley and Miss Lydia Hyde of Hyde Park. I was afraid Matt would go of[f] tlo Calcutta without getting himself a matrimonial mate and am therefore somewhat surprized to hear to the contrariry I also read of the marriage of two other couples the bridegrooms are two of Pres Taylors Sons and the brides are misss Campbell and Colebrook, was acquainted with all the party and wish them much joy on thier journey in the matrimonal car. We are at present in Audley a small town in Staffordshire about 35 miles south of Mancheter I will give you a little account of my labors for the past ten days At our last fast


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Jun 21, 1884