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Day in the Life

Jul 28, 1884

Journal Entry

July 28, 1884 ~ Monday

28 [FIGURES] I received one Letter from Sister Sarah
I wrote one letter to Franklin Spencer upon doctrin
I spent the day in the office


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Woodruff, Sarah Brown
1 Jan 1834 - 9 May 1909
694 mentions


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Letter to Franklin Spencer, 28 July 1884
Prest. Franklin Spencer Dear Brother, I have just laid before President Taylor the questions you propounded to me, and the following are his answers. Concerning [redacted] [redacted] Bishop David R Stephens, of Holden Ward, had no right to rebaptize him, after he was cut off the Church, by the counsel of F. M. Lyman, neither had [redacted] [redacted] any right to confirm him, and seal upon him all his former blessings. He, himself, is an adulterer, and his wives are living with an adulterer. Concerning their being sealed to him, is a matter that must be consid- ered hereafter. Concerning McDonald, and Mrs Lemons, as they were sealed in the Endowment House, she should apply, for a hearing, before the Bishop, and his counsellors, and, upon their recommendation, she should have a divorce from the same authority, who sealed them. Conerning Christian Sorensen, who married Caroline, she should pursue the same course, as has been recommended for McDonald, and Mrs Lemons. Your Brother in the Gospel W Woodruff


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Jul 28, 1884