Day in the Life

Jul 30, 1884

Journal Entry

July 30, 1884 ~ Wednesday

30 A hand pointing to the right I wrote Letter to Ward E Pack & told him to mak[e]
a smoke of woollen rags or wool, & hold his bear hand
and arm over it, if that did not help him to boil up
some strong wild sage, pound charcoal fine & make
a poultice of it & try that. I wrote to Samuel Roskelley
I attended council in the Afternoon & went down to
L. W. Hardies and staid untill about 11 oclok All the
Presidency had been down to visited him and
administered to him I found him breathing vary hard
and apparently dying I staid untill about 11.


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Hardy, Leonard Wilford
31 Dec 1805 - 31 Jul 1884
234 mentions
Roskelley, Samuel
1 Jan 1837 - 10 Feb 1914

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Letter from John Henry Smith, 30 July 1884
President Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City Dear Brother. Yours of July 10th came safely to hand and found us well here in the office. The Article we were pleased to receive. It will give encouragement to the Elders many of whom are laboring without any seeming return—bonds of warning exhortat[io]n Counsell or testimony are received with grattitude by us all Many if us are young men Some men advanced in years but young in experience in the ministry and when Elders like yourself grown grey in the service drop words of encouragement or counsell or Iexplain your own experiences they help us to dispel our own little troubles and take hold with renewed vigor to push forward the cause of our God. It is the hardest thing that an Elder has to do to day to keep from becoming despondent. for to travel from weeks end to weeks end without gathering any fruit requires a man to posess in a large degree the sunshine if the Holy spirit in his composition. Elder W D Williams President of the Manchester Conference speaks in high terms of the earnestness your son displays in performing

Jul 30, 1884