Day in the Life

Aug 31, 1884

Journal Entry

August 31, 1884 ~ Sunday

31 I attended Meeting at the Tabernacle Prayer By A M Musser
G Teasdale spoke 42 M G Q Cannon 44 M. at the close
An arrow An arrow of the Meeting I met in council with Presidents
Taylor & Cannon G Teasdale & Bishop Spencer of
thistle valley He brought a report that the Indians of
this western world were going to unite together & make
war upon the United States. President Taylor persuid
the same policy that Presidet Young did He President
Taylor sent word By Brother Spencer to tell all the
Indians that we have any influence with not to have any
thing to do with going to war or sheding Blood to keep
out of Everything of that kind for it was not right
to shed Blood it was wicked


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Musser, Amos Milton
20 May 1830 - 24 Sep 1909
Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3466 mentions
Apostle, Family
Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2284 mentions
Teasdale, George
8 Dec 1831 - 9 Jun 1907
716 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
Taylor, John, b. 1808
1 Nov 1808 - 25 Jul 1887
1964 mentions


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Letter from Asahel Hart Woodruff, 31 August 1884
Asahel H. Woodruff Answered Sept 22 & 23 sent to Draft £4.18 to Asahel H Woodruff No 5 Gay off Jackson St. Manchestre Eng Aug 31 [18]84 Dear Father and Mother It is with pleasure to you that I address a few times this Sabath morn. A heavy mist is hanging over the city and a drizzling rain has ben falling all the foor- noon, takeing it all to gather it is a regular English day. This is a queer climate only last Sunday the heat was so oppresive it was almost impossible to get a breath of fresh air, while the past few days it has ben quite chilley making a place near the glowing hearth the most desirable place when night comes on. I have before me two letters from you (Father) dated Aug 1st & 11th the latter came to hand yeasterday on my return from Liverp- ool. I have not recieved any letter from you (Mother) since the one dated July 6th which I answerd immediately. I also wrote you from Farnworth July the 6th but it seems you must not have recieved it. I will write you again as soon as possible, and trust you will do the same, though I expect there is more work than you know what to do with since

Aug 31, 1884