Day in the Life

Sep 13, 1884

Journal Entry

September 13, 1884 ~ Saturday

13 A plesant Morning I took cars & rode to S L City 96 Miles


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Letter from Asahel Hart Woodruff, 13 September 1884
Asahel 16 Talbot St. Leek Staffordshire Sept 13 [18]84 England Dear Father Your kind and welcome letter dates Aug 26th was recieved by me yeasterday on my arrival here I have ben greatly shocked to hear of the massacre of the Elders in Tennesee It seems hard that innocent law abiding citizens should be shot down in cold blood by a ruthless mob for no greater offense than declaring the acceptable day of the Lord. If a Mormon has the daring presumption to go about minding his own business why he ought to be shot for doing so seems to be the verdict in the South. We find men in our travels who are possessed of the same veno- mous spirit and would not hes- itate at treating us with violence only that they are affraid of the law which is vindicated in this country far better than in America. Here the poor man gets the bennifit of the law-

Sep 13, 1884