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Day in the Life

Sep 14, 1884

Journal Entry

September 14, 1884 ~ Sunday

14 Sunday I went to the office & received 8 letters from
A K Udall 2 A M Teney, Jesse N. Smith, J McAllister
J. G. Bleak & David P. Woodruff it was a hard rainy
day I attended Meeting at 2 oclok E. F. Sheets Prayed.
John W Taylor spoke 65 M, and gave a vary interesting
discourse. I attended meeting in the 14 ward in the Evening
and heard a vary interesting discuurs from G Q
^65 Minuts^ upon the Agency of man and the power within
himself to ascend to the hightest glory Even to the Godhead


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Tenney, Ammon Meshach
16 Nov 1844 - 28 Oct 1925
239 mentions
97 mentions
Woodruff, David Patten
4 Apr 1854 - 20 Jan 1937
217 mentions
Sheets, Elijah Funk
22 Mar 1821 - 3 Jul 1904
112 mentions
1966 mentions
Bleak, James Godson
15 Nov 1829 - 30 Jan 1918
448 mentions
Smith, Jesse Nathaniel
2 Dec 1834 - 5 Jun 1906
139 mentions
McAllister, John Daniel Thompson
19 Feb 1827 - 21 Jan 1910
596 mentions
Taylor, John Whittaker
15 May 1858 - 10 Oct 1916
137 mentions
Apostle, Missionary


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Letter to John Daniel Thompson McAllister, 14 September 1884
Dear Brother Mc.Allister: Your letter of August 13th came to hand just as I was leaving for the North, and I did not have time to answer it. I returned home last night from the North— Cache Valley, &c., and have just received eight letters, among them yours of Sept. 3rd and Brother Bleak's of Sep't. 5th. Your letter of August 13th ought to have been answered be- fore but being absent is my only excuse. I make a business of answering all letters sent to me. Now in reply to both of your letters. I wish to say that your first answer to me was per- fectly satisfactory in all respects, and when it was brought up in Council any one present who knew about President Taylor giving you counsel to do so ought to have named it. I am very ^glad^ myself that President Taylor authorized you to do so, for it takes so much labor off from me. I now wish to say concerning the Twelve having

Sep 14, 1884