Day in the Life

Sep 20, 1884

Journal Entry

September 20, 1884 ~ Saturday

^20^ I went to the field in the Afternoon with Orion
we ground up several Bushels of Apples
into cider then put up the fence on the East west side
of the orchard


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Snow, Orion Woodruff
7 Sep 1866 - 7 Mar 1939
52 mentions

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Letter from John Daniel Thompson McAllister, 20 September 1884
President W. Woodruff. Salt Lake City. Dear Brother Yours of the 14th inst. I received in the evening of the 18th. Glad to learn all is well with you. Thanks for the Pass. not hearing from you, felt almost sure you was way from the City. I wrote to Bp. John Sharp, and Agust F. Cope, for passes, on the 16th inst. The Letter would or should be in their hands to day. I informed Bro. Cope, that I had written to you in in regard to the matter, but presumed you was away from the City. we think of comming without company. Temple Workers, from Beaver, Juab, Parowan, and Sevier have arrived. we are expecting the Brother and sister from Kanab Stake to arrive next week, one of store selected in millard has died, the other has a bad hand. no word from

Sep 20, 1884