Day in the Life

Sep 21, 1884

Journal Entry

September 21, 1884 ~ Sunday

201 Sunday We returned to the city and attended
Meeting in the Afternoon Prayer By Seymour B Young
Edward Stephenson spoke 42 M W Woodruff 30 M
we Met in our prayer circle After which I went
to the field and had an Evenings visit with Wm
& wife his Father & Mother Wilford & Julia
and several others we Met at Emmas took supper &
conversed upon our missions in England


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Discourse 1884-09-21
Wilford Woodruff, one of the twelve apostles, then took the stand. He de- livered the same sermon verbatim of toleration that he has delivered from time immemorial from the same stand. He said, "We occupy an entirely dif- ferent position from the rest of the world in regard to the principles of the gospel. There has never been an apostle on the earth from Adam's time down to the present who has not had to suffer persecution. The earth is filled with the power of darkness and the power of light. Lucifer and his 100 cohorts were driven out of heaven, and the devil don't care what you preach so long as you don't preach the gospel of Christ. God had a father and a grandfather and the grandfather had a father, and so had the sun and the moon and the stars a father. God has sent a revela- tion in these last days, and this gospel is true and we know it. Very few men have strength of charactor enough or have enough independence of mind to embrace this gospel and undergo the persecutions which it entails. The moment you embrace this gospel you incur the condemnation of the press and the pulpit of the country. We are opposed, as you know, by the whole Christian world. "Well, there is that talk about polyg- amy. Well, what about it? Why we were persecuted in Missouri and 10000 of us driven out of Jackson county be- fore we ever practiced polygamy. What does the world care about our polygamy? It is used by them merely as a handle against us. We practice polygamy for the same reason that we practice all our other ordinances, because we are commanded by revelation to do so. Look at how many women are saved for eternity by it! Why not be in a position to claim your wives and children after death? There is where I stand and that is where President Taylor stands and that is where the prophet Joseph Smith and President Brigham Young stood. The Gentiles say you take these wives to gatify your lust. We answer that by saying "Ain't there a way in the Christian world by which we could satisfy our lusts in a cheaper way and without having so much trouble? If we married only for lustful purposes we would not be very wise. We look upon adultery as next to robbery. God gave Abraham and Isaac more wives in order that they might have them after death. Without the pristhood this ordin- ance could not be performed. We shall pursue this course as long as God sees fit for us to pursue it. The heavens are full of revelations, full of light and truth, and the Holy Ghost continues to give revelations. I pray to God to give us grace to allow us to magnify our calling."

Sep 21, 1884