Day in the Life

Nov 2, 1884

Journal Entry

November 02, 1884 ~ Sunday

2. Sunday I rode to Logan Met at 10 oclok Prayer By Br
Lambert G Teasdale spoke 62 M, C W Penrose 44 M
Afternoon Samuel Smith Prayed sacrament Administered
W Woodruff spoke 70 M. I dined to day with Isaac D Haines
At the close of the Meeting I rode to Smithfield and attended
A Meeting & spoke one hour followed By Br Lambert 16 M


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Discourse 1884-11-02
Pres W Woodruff desired to speak to the Saints in regard to a few of the mysteries of the Kingdom, which God had sestablished in this our time & on the temporalities of the people. He showed the necessity of establishing Home industries, the need of which may not be so appa- rent now as it will be & portrayed the probability of a coalition between the political parties of this nation which would be dis^as^trous to their interest & existence, then commerce & industries would be destroyed & the importation of goods would cease. We should be wise & prudent & pro- vide against this evil day & store up grain against the day of famine. He favored the raising of stock & swine, also cereals, wheat beans & other hardy products & thus fortify ourselves against the day of trouble, when the judge- ments shall overtake this nation. He feels a change will take place in this nation, which has the most liberal government on earth, in which however the blood of the elders have been spilt, which had not been done in any other nation on the earth & because of this God had de- creed to destroy this nation. He dwelt at some length on the signs of the times & depicted the corruption of this nation. He set forth the folly of going into debt & advised the Saints to pay their debts & be wise. He referred to some remarks made by Bp Farrell in regard to the young men in Smithfield some of whom were rude & rebellious. He queried if his boy was one of such. He described his character from which it was found he was not one of them. He spoke of the interest felt in the spirit world in our welfare & were anxious that we see after their welfare & perform these ordinances of the Gospel for them, that are necessary for their Salvation & exaltation. He referred to the anxiety the Prophet Joseph felt in this matter & on the importance of the labors in the Temple. He treated on the law of adoption & cautioned the Saints to be careful in this matter. He thought there had been too much wildfire in this affair & cited a case in point. Speaking of the redemption of the dead, he stated that the oldest member of a family holds the key for the redemption of the dead. He illus trated the course to be pursued in redeeming the dead, to seal together those who are equally meritorious & who died without the Gospel. He mentioned many items of great interest respecting this great subject & touched on many interesting things pertaining to the best inter- ests of the Saints.


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Nov 2, 1884