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Day in the Life

Nov 21, 1884

Journal Entry

November 21, 1884 ~ Friday

21. [FIGURE] I wrote ^3^ letters to Mc Allister Bleak, C L.
. I spent the day in the office Evening at the Theater


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Bleak, James Godson
15 Nov 1829 - 30 Jan 1918
449 mentions
McAllister, John Daniel Thompson
19 Feb 1827 - 21 Jan 1910
602 mentions


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Letter from Stephen Chadwick Perry, 21 November 1884
Springville Prest Wilford Woodruff Historian of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Dear Brother; Feeling the importance of having incidents that have transpired in our history and phenomena which we accept as evidence of the com- ing forth of the work of the last days—therefore I consider it my duty to present a few items for your consideration to be placed upon the pages of our History, if you deem it worthy of a place there. One circumstance was a phenomenon which occured in my boyhood, which was seen by my Father's family—I being among them. I think it must have occurred 1825 and 1830. I should think about the month of September between the hours of 6 and 9 o'clk. in the evening. We saw a very large army of Soldiers (to all appearance) marching in the firmament, coming from a North Westerly direction and meeting a similar army from a South Easterly direction, nearly over our heads. We were standing at the West door of my father's house and saw the army from the North West most distinctly and saw the front of the opposite army also. We saw them march up and apparently discharge firearms and I am almost sure that I saw the flash of the same, and probably heard the report, but being but a child, and it being about 55 years ago, I would not like to be too positive as to hearing


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Nov 21, 1884