Day in the Life

Aug 9, 1885

Journal Entry

August 09, 1885 ~ Sunday

9. Sunday A hand pointing to the right I wrote Letters to Wilford, Lucy, Elias
Matilda Teasdale, to ^2^ Jaques, James Jack I received
A folded letter/box 2 letters from Jaques & Sarah I requested Br Jack to
send Sarah $20 order for Merchandze


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Woodruff, Elias Smith
15 Dec 1873 - 16 Nov 1941
23 mentions
Jaques, John
7 Jan 1827 - 1 Jun 1900
Smith, Lucy Emily Woodruff
10 Jan 1869 - 5 Nov 1937
66 mentions
Teasdale, Matilda Ellen Picton
25 Mar 1858 - 6 Feb 1893
Woodruff, Sarah Brown
1 Jan 1834 - 9 May 1909
706 mentions
Woodruff, Wilford (Jr.)
22 Mar 1840 - 9 May 1921
721 mentions

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Religious – Dreams and Visions 1880s
Salt Lake City, Utah, During the night of Aug 9 I had the following dream I was in a large meeting of the Latter Day Saints President Taylor & Cannon were present some strange man came into the congregation and handed me a large sheet of papyrus of important records I did not know what they contained soon President Young came along with a Mormon car that the presidency, Twelve, and Leading Men were to get into. We were all required to take our Temple Clothing with us President Young also presented us with a lock that we were to lock up the car with and he wrote on the bolt, that we was to lock the car with [FIGURE] Priesthood Wilford Woodruff
Letter to Lucy Emily Woodruff, 9 August 1885
My Dear Grand Daughter Lucy E. On my return from a Journey of 28 days to Fish Lake & back I found 20 letters awaiting me among the number your Letter of 24 July, which I was much pleased to get, and Esspecially to see that you are making yourself suseful as clerk to your Grand Pa, you cannot do to much for him. I have thought if you could go to the University as a Normal, ^&^ pass as such, & take a school it would be a good think^g^ for you. I think you would make a good Teacher I dont think I have Ever weighed your patience, it takes a good deal to make a teacher. I went to Fish Lake to attend the Young Mens Mutual conference It was a Big Meeting It was in a small vallie in the top of the Mountains 9000 feet high it took 6 or 8 minutes to boil Eggs could not boil potatos at all in time for a Meal the Lake was clear, cold, water 7 miles long 1 1/2 wide we mea-
Daybook (2 July 1885 - 26 May 1887)
9. Sundy I wrote Letters to Phebe [FIGURE] Wilford, Lucy E, Elias Matilda Teasdale to Juqes to James Jack [FIGURE] I r[eceive]d 2 letters from Juques & Sarah I requested Juqes to send $20 cash to Sarah for Merchandze

Aug 9, 1885