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Day in the Life

Aug 10, 1885

Journal Entry

August 10, 1885 ~ Monday

10 [FIGURE] I wrote to Sarah & Sylvia see copy I wrote to
Atkins shot 3 quails & 1 Rabbit 16 Mile


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Woodruff, Sarah Brown
1 Jan 1834 - 9 May 1909
695 mentions
Woodruff, Sylvia Malvina Thompson
14 Jan 1862 - 8 Aug 1940
133 mentions
170 mentions

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Religious – Dreams and Visions 1880s
On the Night of the I dreamed I was in the Celestial Kingdom of God with the Saints, and all persons there were exalted to blessings according to ther faithfulness or deprived of them according to their transgressions some were far more exalted than others W Woodruff [upside down text] W Woodruffs Dream. [end upside down text]
Daybook (2 July 1885 - 26 May 1887)
10 [FIGURE] I wrote [rode] to Atkins pond I shot 1 rabit & 3 quails & we b[ou]ght [illegible] a New Milk cow 16 M[iles] I wrote 2 letters to Sarah & 1 to Sylvia see copies

Aug 10, 1885