Day in the Life

Feb 20, 1886

Journal Entry

February 20, 1886 ~ Saturday

20 A hand pointing to the right I wrote Letters to F Spencer, Mrs Teasdale, Jaques I walked
to the farm in the Evening & spent the night I received Letter
A folded letter/box from Mrs Andrews, Jaques, Pope, & Thompson


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Jaques, John
7 Jan 1827 - 1 Jun 1900
Teasdale, Matilda Ellen Picton
25 Mar 1858 - 6 Feb 1893
Thompson, William Henry
1 May 1838 - 3 Apr 1922
264 mentions


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It is confirmed to day that George Q Cannon is arested & in the Hands of the Marshals we are in the Midst of a National Persecution The United States Government is making war upon the Latter Day Saints Judgment is begining at the House of God But if the Saints suffer for their Religion our Persecuters will suffer for ther sins Great things await this Generation Behold the signs of the times watch for the coming of the Son of Man
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Letter from Franklin Dewey Richards, 20 February 1886
Lewis Allen Esqr S L City Dear Brother E. S. Fairbanks S. H. Hill and O. P. Arnold are said to have been with Br. Cannon when the latter was arrested. Fairbanks is supposed to have had with him twelve thousand dollars, with which to make a payment on the purchase of a place which the brethren in Chihuahua had con- cluded to purchase of Signior Campo, if I recollect right. John H. Smith is down with Rheumatism, B. Y. and F. M. L. keep hid. Prest Taylor was well the last I heard of him. I had a letter from him today. Your warm friend Ezra T. Clark send his very kind re- membrance to you and wished me to say that he would come any night whenever you say & take you safely to his place where he can keep you securely from knowledge of others & he will esteem it a pleasure to do so whenever you will let him know. I want to know what you have to say about letting brother Andrew Jensen have the free access to all the books and

Feb 20, 1886