Day in the Life

Jun 22, 1886

Journal Entry

June 22, 1886 ~ Tuesday

June 22, 1886
We drove up the Canyon to Davis Mill over a vary rough
Rocky road to go to a fish Lake we camped at the Mill 20 Miles

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Daybook (2 July 1885 - 26 May 1887)
17 232 Tuesday we Drove up the canyon to Davis Mill over a v[er]y rough rocky road 20 Mile we went fishing in one of the worst Creek I Evr atte[m]pted to follow steap
Daybook (2 July 1885 - 26 May 1887)
& rocky It took nearly all the time to get to the creek & aw[a]y from it I caught Nothing but 2 severe falls am[on]g the rocks which made me sick for a while Tuesday drove to Davis Mill 20 M[iles]

Jun 22, 1886