Day in the Life

Jun 23, 1886

Journal Entry

June 23, 1886 ~ Wednesday

23 We started this Morning to find the Lake at the North End
of Balld Hill we had No guide in fact there was No one at
the Mill who had Been there it was called ownly 6 Miles
But we travelled all day over High rocky Mountains Deep
vallies, swampy water in the midst of fallen timbers which
our Horses had to Jump it was a vary hard days work
we did not find the Lake we came to a grassy patch & camped
for the Night but knew Not whare the Lake was After
camping Henry & Asahel went on to the plat of Bald Hill
& say the Lake and went to it but did not get Back to the
camp untill 9 oclok & I thought they were lost when
they arived they were thoroughly Exhausted we have
No idea the distance we travelled for in some cases we
had to work vary Hard to get a Mile in 2 Hours we think
we travelled during the day 15 Miles but had not got to the
6 Mile Lake 15 M[iles]


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Woodruff, Asahel Hart, b. 1863
3 Feb 1863 - 2 Jul 1939
708 mentions
Woodruff, Henry Azmon
20 May 1855 - 2 Feb 1939
141 mentions

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Daybook (2 July 1885 - 26 May 1887)
Wednesday J[u]ne 243 this was a strange Day [Esqed] we started to go 6 Miles to a [trak] for Horses & reached one We had No gui[d]e it was in the Mo[un]ta[i]n we spent the whole Day & trying to get that 6 miles we went to the top of Mo[un]ta[i]n & back ag[ai]n travelld over
Daybook (2 July 1885 - 26 May 1887)
hundreds of co[u]nts of fallen timber & large rocks could find No way to get to the Lake We were tired out Man & beast It was the Hardest Days ride ovr rocks & Timber up & down Hills steepe of my Life we came to a small part of Grass & camped for the Night Henry & Asahel went on foot after we turned the Horses out to see if they find the Lake they fo[un]d the Lake & went to it ab[ou]t 3 Miles
Daybook (2 July 1885 - 26 May 1887)
from our camp Did not get Back to camp till 9 oclok at Night Dists of the Day 12 Mile

Jun 23, 1886