Day in the Life

Jul 16, 1886

Journal Entry

July 16, 1886 ~ Friday

16 Friday we all prepared & visited the cave with Lited
candles we set our compass & went in S By S.E. we went
in 261 yards 783 feet The roof of the cave at the


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Daybook (2 July 1885 - 26 May 1887)
16 Friday We all travled the cave we measured it as far as we went we measured it [blank] yards it was full of great Bolders & timber washed in by the floods it run paralel with the vally it was from 3 feet to 100 to the top there were well Holes up & Down those up we could not see the top 93 + 168 = 261 * 3 = 783 2 + 3 + 12 + 7 = 24 93 + 67 + 168 = 328 500 * 3 = 1500
Daybook (2 July 1885 - 26 May 1887)
The company with W W went into the cave 261 yards 783 feet Glines Asahel & Henry went into the East cave under the Mou[n]t[ai]n 500 yards 1500 feet Mouth of the cave 70 feet to the Arch & 100 feet to the surface 300 feet wide at the Mouth We saw a Mount[ain] Lions track 5 inches wide a sp[rin]g of cold Ice water rained down for the l[en]g[th] of the cave as cold as Ice we saw a a Ladder 98 feet Long & a [waterfall] 480 feet from the Mouth

Jul 16, 1886