Day in the Life

May 3, 1887

Journal Entry

May 03, 1887 ~ Tuesday

May 3, 1887
A hand pointing to the right I wrote 1 Letter to B Young of 8 pages I visited Br Atkins
sheep heard we brout home 15 Motherless lambs I shot 3 duck
out of five and returned home 6 Mils


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Young, Brigham (Jr.)
18 Dec 1836 - 11 Apr 1903
586 mentions

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Letter to Brigham Young Jr., 3 May 1887
Salt Lake City, Utah, Dear Brother Brigham Your Welcome Letter of April 19 is received and I was very glad to hear from you. I was vary much pleased with the spirit of your Letter Now with regard to Brother Tenney, I will say I did not know that He had any Appointment by any bady One Except the Mission I gave him to the Zonies, Lagoonies, Islata &c. while I was in that country He done Nothing in the Mission after the Rail Roading commenced And after He came out of prision and broke down financia- lly and in spirit & health We could not Expect him to do much at Missionary Work at present But in coresspondence with the presidency we have thought it Wisdom to Esstablish a mission with the Maricopas, Pemos Papagoes and then reach the Yaquis but not to begin with the Yaquis first. And having travelled with Tenney and knowing that He could preach Well in spanish I thought He would make one good hand with a company of 4 or 6 as the case might be to Engage in that Mission He might not be a suitable man to Lead in it I have written to him upon the subject and it would Meet his Mind to Engage


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May 3, 1887