Day in the Life

May 21, 1887

Journal Entry

May 21, 1887 ~ Saturday

21 We sheared to day 68 Wm sheared 15 Joseph 8 John 14
Alma 6 Heber 8 Henry 17 Grand total sheared as follows
Wm 155 Joseph 95 John 72, Alma 71 Heber 105 & Henry 105
WW 1 Total 604.

A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 Letters to Jaques & Clara


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Letter to Clara Martisha Woodruff Beebe, 21 May 1887
Salt Lake City, Utah, My Dear Clara I have your letter of May 8, and the Bill of Goods I don't think you are vary Extravigant (But I am afraid that the one spool of thread & pair of garters will break me) (I though[t] your Mother bought you feathers for a bed last fall) However we will do the best we can) get such things as you need as fast as you get means I told Br Jaques to give you $20 to begin with I think He can give you anoth $20 the first of June I will do as fast as I can. Give my love to Sister Riches and tell her it might be dangerous for me to administer to her but I would always be willing to in any cases of Necessity I received your letter of May 13. I am Glad to hear Aunt Sally is well she seems to be having quite a lease of life give her My love if you see her I see you are having quite a cold spell I am sorry if it has killed all the fruit the people in Dixie will have a good peach crop I think and pears and Apples though some fruit is injured Well I am having a vary busy week shearing sheep though I ownly sheared one I tie up the wool & weigh it sweep of[f] the platforms and keep the talley to day will finish up I have not had such a busy weeks work for a long time


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May 21, 1887