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Day in the Life

Aug 30, 1887

Journal Entry

August 30, 1887 ~ Tuesday

Aug 30 1887
[FIGURE] I spent the day with Brother Cannon I received
4 Letters & signed 15 Recommends we rode to the office in
the city whare we spent the night 3 Miles


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Letter from Horace Hall Cummings, 30 August 1887
Mexico, Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother: Your letter of the 20th inst. requesting me to send some tracts & pamphlets, to Bro Ammon M. Tenney, came to hand day before yesterday, and today I mail him five packages containing some of all the kinds you named, though in three cases I was unable to send him the required number, having only a few on hand. I also send him some which you did not mention, including some Spanish Testaments which the Agent of the American Bible Society gave me, thinking he could make good use of them. When he has exhausted this supply we can doubtless send him more, as we shall have replenished one stock by that time I think Affairs in the mission here are not very bright just at present. The news that most of the Mexican saints who went to the colony in Chihuahua last May are returning dissatisfied, makes their friends and relatives here feel some- what discouraged, and doubtful, and a certain cold- ness seems to have settled on most of our con- gregations. One of the colonists has already arrived here, and from what I can learn, is busy in spread-


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Wilford, as President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, becomes the leader of the Church.

Aug 30, 1887