Day in the Life

Sep 26, 1887

Journal Entry

September 26, 1887 ~ Monday

26 I spent the day in bed and was sick all day

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Letter from Marriner Wood Merrill, 26 September 1887
Prest Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro your favor of 22nd inst. at Hand. will say that I have sent notice to Des News salt Lake Herald Ogden Herald & Utah Journal about closeing Temple Dureing Conference week will ask, relative to the reports refered too in your letter; when do you want the first report to date from; and as we keep a Temple Block or Temple grounds account; and Temple Ordinance account do you want the Two Blended together in one report; or do you want them seperated; all m[e]ans that comes in from the Stakes in this Temple District (which is not much) is used on the improv- ement of the grounds and keeping them in repair, and such means passes throug a reegular set of Books: but the Offerings given at the door is used inside of the Temple to carry on the Ordinance work, to buy fuel oile Stationary Books, Kitchen a/c &c. this has been arranged as per Prest Taylor
Letter from James Henry Douglas, 26 September 1887
President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Bro: Yours of 22 inst. at hand. In reply, will say, all being well shall be ready to start on Nov. 1, as suggested by you. Respectfully, Your brother in the Gospel, James H. Douglas. Thomas J Stevens Bishop, 5th ward O.K.
Letter from Ammon Mercer, 26 September 1887
American Fork Pres. Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City. Dear brother: Your letter of 22nd inst at hand. in answer will say: I feel very weak, but I will go. Your brother in the Gospel. Ammon Mercer. I cheerfully endorse the call made on Bro Ammon Mercer William M Bromley Bp OK


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Sep 26, 1887