Day in the Life

Oct 6, 1887

Journal Entry

October 06, 1887 ~ Thursday

[October] April 6, 1887 The 58 Semi Annual Conf-
of the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints Met at 10 oclok this
Morning in the big Tabernacle I receivd 30
A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box Letters 27 Public 3 Private. I signed
40 Recommends I had an interview with
Franklin S Richards gave us an account of
his Journey East and interviews with Mr Broadhead
& Butler ^ An arrow^ I met in council at 7, closed at Midnight
we united together at the close of the Meeting


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Letter from Alma N. Timothy, 6 October 1887
Pres, Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City. Dear Brother I received a notice, which stated that i am selected to go on a mission to the Southern States. I accept the mission, feel willing to respond to the call and do all that i posibly can, hopeing that I may do a good work. I will be ready to start at the appointed time if noth^i^ng happens to hinder me, which i am not aware of. Your Bro in the Gospel Alma N. Timothy
Letter from Thomas Jefferson Caldwell Jr., 6 October 1887
Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City. Dear IBrother I got a notice of my apointment as a missionary. I can't be in the City before the Twenty Fourth or Fifth. Your Brother in the Gospel T. J. Caldwell Jun. T. J. Caldwell Sen. Bishop
Epistle to the YMMIA, 6 October 1887
ADDRESS OF THE GENERAL SUPERINTEN- DENCY. To the officers and members of the Young Men's Mutual Improvement Associa- tions throughout Zion: DEAR BRETHREN—While regretting the existence of circumstances depriving us of the satisfaction and pleasure of ming- ling personally with you, in your general conference gathering, we are delighted with the privilege of addressing you in writing. Our hearts are full of gratitude to our heavenly Father, and we rejoice exceed- ingly in the blessings of life and liberty so abundantly bestowed upon the youth of Zion. Upon you, dear young breth- ren, the hope of Israel largely rests. Be


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Oct 6, 1887