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Day in the Life

Oct 7, 1887

Journal Entry

October 07, 1887 ~ Friday

Oct 7, 1887
[FIGURES] I signed 20 Recommends I rece[ive]d 15 Letters
10 Publicc, 56 Private from Azmon, Teasdale James J
Thompson, Jaques, Udall I met with Apostls for
8 [FIGURES] 2 Hourse I then attended a Meeting with
Bord of Directors of Zions Savings Bank, a
report was made by the committee which was
Accepted. The officers of the Bank was Elected
[FIGURES] Wilford Woodruff was Elected President
George Q Cannon & Joseph F Smith vice President


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

Woodruff, Azmon, b. 1802
29 Nov 1802 - 14 Jan 1889
348 mentions
97 mentions
1966 mentions
Teasdale, George
8 Dec 1831 - 9 Jul 1907
502 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
Woodruff, James Jackson
25 May 1847 - 8 Dec 1927
85 mentions
Jaques, John
7 Jan 1827 - 1 Jun 1900
439 mentions
Smith, Joseph Fielding
13 Nov 1838 - 19 Nov 1918
3567 mentions
Thompson, William Henry
1 May 1838 - 3 Apr 1922
260 mentions

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Letter from Mary Elizabeth Rollins Lightner, 7 October 1887
President Woodruff Dear Sir, I take the Liberty of addressing you upon a matter of vital importance to me. I find after being a member of this Church fifty seven years this month; that I am under the necessity of asking assistance from the Church for my future support, I ask this favor of you in confidence, the more so; because I have been promised repeatedly by Brother Joseph, and Brigham Young, who; the last time but one that he was south; sent for me, and told me, that he had bought a house in the city for me, and that hereafter my family, should be provided for, that I, had suffered


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Oct 7, 1887