Day in the Life

Oct 23, 1887

Journal Entry

October 23, 1887 ~ Sunday

23 Sunday I spent the day in the House reading

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Letter from Anthony Maitland Stenhouse, 23 October 1887

Canada Dear Mr Woodruff I add another line to my letter of this date (already mailed) merely to mention that I wrote last on the 30th Sept. when I also sent you a copy of the last Report of the Diocesan Synod of Columbia. Ever yours Ant. Maitl. Stenhouse. Wilford Woodruff, Esqr- President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

Letter from George L. Farrell, 23 October 1887

Lees Creek, Alberta, Prest. Wilford Woodruff. My Dear Brother: Your very kind letter of Sep 13th came to hand came duly to hand just as I was hitched up to start to Lethbridge 50 miles from here, to get my winters Supply of provisions and also Lumber to cover my house with, and since returning it looked quite stormy. I therefore have worked very hard, also late and early so as to get my house done so as to be able to move into it before cold weather, and have neglected answering you on that account. therefore you will please excuse me for the neglect. I went out and met 21 more of our people who were moving to Lees Creek in September. they arrived Sept 29th in good condition and they were pleased with our location, and have gone to work and cut & put up hay enough to last them through the winter, some of them were very short of means to get their winters supplies and we learned of a company of men who took a Hay contract ^15 miles from here,^ and were unable to fill it in time. Brother Card and one of our Brethren went out and took 50 tons of their contract at $650 per ton, and we sent 14 men and boys over and they done the work up and was home again within the week, and when the Supt. measured

Letter from Anthony Maitland Stenhouse, 23 October 1887

Canada Dear Mr Woodruff Your prayers in my behalf have been abundantly answered. The crisis is past. God's blessing has followed me and His Spirit has sustained me. There has indeed been some deprecation of any apparent haste in resigning my political charge but little or no remonstrance on my conversion has been heard from any quarter except the alien pulpits. I do not now believe that the Government of the United States will ever have the concurrence or the countenance of any British authorities in the work of persecution. I am inclined to think that any British complication in our relations with the United States would be rather in our favour than otherwise. The newspapers which I send by this mail

Letter from James McKnight, 23 October 1887

Minersville Prest Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I recieved your letter in regard to Sisters Lightner and Sister Gilbert perhaps you are not aware that Sister Lightner has been recieving from the tithing office fifty Dollars every three months for several years past half in cash and half in tithing produce she recieves the orders from the General Tithing offcice and I have paid them as they have been presented they have not had any thing else from the ward as I suposed the above amount suported them and I was not aware that they had been suffering Sister Gilbert is at present verry sick. I call every


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Oct 23, 1887