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Day in the Life

Nov 22, 1887

Journal Entry

November 22, 1887 ~ Tuesday

22 [FIGURES] I signed 18 Recommends. I receivd 15 Letters
Public & 5 Private I wrote 6 Letters had a long interview
with J. T. Caine Legrand Young J. R. Winder & Judge
Sutherland upon our question, upon the suit brought
against us by the United States. We are in the toils
of our Enemies and we can ownly trust in God
for our Deliverance I went to the field & spent the night


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102 mentions
Caine, John Thomas
8 Jan 1829 - 20 Sep 1911
64 mentions
Young, Marcus LeGrand
27 Dec 1840 - 23 Jul 1921
54 mentions

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Letter from Warren Marshall Johnson, 22 November 1887
President Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother I see by reading the Deseret News, that a receiver jas been appointed to take charge of all the church property, not only in Utah, but in other places as well. It is well understood who owns the property here and I want some counsel in reference to the matter. I have never had a settlement with the owners of the Ferry since it was purchased of Emma Lee and if it goes into the hands of Marshall Dyer Dwyer (sic) I shall probably have to go away from here on foot as my property at forced sale would not bring enough to pay my debts. Will Mr Dwyer (sic) get possession of the Statements I have sent in refer- ence to ferry business? Cannot you send me a receipt or fix it up in some way so I will not be liable to him for the old account. Shall I send my reports to you in the future if the Ferry is not taken from me? If they come here on Ferry business, will they make any trouble for me in other respects? There is considerable talk about the Ferry by outside parties. Some are talking of jumping it because we are running it without a License &c. I think Bro. Jack has my accounts up to the 1st of July 1887. Please counsel me in reference to the above and oblige Yours in the Gospel Warren M Johnson Lee's Ferry Arizona Vis Kanab Utah"


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Nov 22, 1887