Day in the Life

Nov 29, 1887

Journal Entry

November 29, 1887 ~ Tuesday

29 A hand pointing to the right I signed 18 Recommends I receivd 10 Letters
Keys crossed we had a plesant interview with Lorenzo Young


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Young, Lorenzo Dow
19 Oct 1807 - 21 Nov 1895
124 mentions

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Letter from Marriner Wood Merrill, 29 November 1887
Prest Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro your favor of 26th inst. at Hand and contents considered; in relation to the sealings refered too as for Mary A Freeze statement to you, will say, we find that Sister Burnham & Her son, (both Heirs) represented the first sealing, and Sister Burnham (H[ei]ress) and a Bro L. U. Porter (Proxey) represented the second sealing, which was undoubtly a mistake on sister Burnhams part, we will make the margenal note on the record in the case of the second sealing as you have directed stateing the facts as transpired Respectfully your Bro & Co Laborer M. W. Merrill
Letter from Charles Ora Card, 29 November 1887
Prest. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah U. S. A. Dear Brother Your most excellent letter of the 4th Inst. came to hand only day before yesterday. We were much pleased to learn that you and the brethren were still preserved and that another member was about to be added to the Fold of Christ in the person of Hon. A. Muitland Stenhouse who has not as yet visited us. I saw an account of his retirement from his official position in the papers a short time since, but did not anticipate of even a prospect of a visit from him. I think with you that a man of honor such as he appears to be, will be calculated to do much good in these parts. I believe it is necessary that some one should try to counter act the prejudice that is being sown in eastern Canada by our New England Cousins. Many of the anethemies [anethemas], hearled at our people by United States papers are copied by the Canadian press and we have them to meet here although as yet I do not
Letter from Anthony Maitland Stenhouse, 29 November 1887
Canada My dear Sir I received your welcome letter of the 20th October I wrote to the Honble David Laird, late Lieut. Governor of the North West V Territories, and to the Honble David Mills M. P., both of whom were successively Ministers of the Interior in our last Liberal Administation—calling their attention to the attitude of certain party newspapers with respect to those settlers in the North West who are in communion with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I also represented to these ^honble^ gentlemen the unwisdom inconsistency and impolicy of opposing the settlement of a body of law-abiding Christians of our own and kindred nationalities at a time when swarms of Chinese were allowed an almost


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Nov 29, 1887