Day in the Life

Nov 30, 1887

Journal Entry

November 30, 1887 ~ Wednesday

30 I signed 10 Recommends I received 6 Letters I wrote
A hand pointing to the right 3 Letters I spent most of the day in reading Shakesspere


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10 mentions
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Letter from Theodore Curtis, 30 November 1887
Received Dec. 1 [18]87 S. L. City Nov 30th 1887 Prest. Woodruff Dear Brother Aboute three weeks ago I wrote to you, and not herearing from you I suppose you did not get it. I would like to labour in the Temple the remainder of my days. I wrote to Bro Merrill and he wanted me imm[ed]iately [ink blot] ^at Logan^ and exspected me to pay for my board. I wrote back I could keep my self excepting my board. I have not heard from him since. Now Bro Woodruff if it posable for me to be thus imployed nothing would please me better to thus spend my time, and beliveing that you could have some influence I have


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Nov 30, 1887