Day in the Life

Dec 12, 1887

Journal Entry

December 12, 1887 ~ Monday

12 An arrow I arose at 6, came down to the Dining
room found the Looking glass that had hung
there 10 years had fallen to the floor & broak
all to peaces it affected Emma as a Bad omen
I road to Brother Clarks and spent the day
I signed 25 Recommends, Received 20 Letters I wrote
A hand pointing to the right 12 Letters Private to Jaques, Sarah, & Delight I met at
Z.C.M.I with the Board Meeting and heard a report
of the business of the instituion


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Woodruff, Emma Smith
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
1038 mentions
Jaques, John
7 Jan 1827 - 1 Jun 1900
Clark, John William
12 Jan 1826 - 4 Jun 1905
10 mentions
1840 British Convert
Woodruff, Sarah Brown
1 Jan 1834 - 9 May 1909
707 mentions
Woodruff, Sarah Delight Stocking
26 Jun 1838 - 28 May 1906
171 mentions


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Letter from John William Morgan, 12 December 1887

Salt Lake City, U. T. . Elder John Morgan, Manassa, Conejos Co., Colorado. Dear Brother: Your interesting favor of the 6th inst. has been received. We are gratified to hear from you of the emigration of 131 souls from your mission to San Luis Valley, Utah, Idaho, and Arizona, and to learn that those who have located at San Luis have nearly all found houses to dwell in during the winter, and that most of them will find employment more or less steady. You inform us that they feel very well. We trust that they will continue to increase in good feeling the longer

Letter to Brigham Young Jr., 12 December 1887

P.O. BOX B. Salt Lake City, U. T. Elder Brigham Young, Snowflake, Apache Co., Arizona. Dear Brother: We are in receipt of two favors from you, one under date of the 1st and the other the 4th inst. We are very glad to learn that you were so fortunate as to escape the snares of our enemies which had been so well arranged for your capture. We sin- cerely hope that you will be prudent in your movements and keep out of the hands of your enemies. We agree with you that Brother Martineaus case, if investigated at all, should be investigated thor- oughly, and in referring this business to you and the

Letter to Brigham Young Jr., 12 December 1887

Recd 22. [end of sideways text] thus far. They did not get the man whom they wanted for Receiver. They would have liked some unprincipled scoundrel who would have gone to great lengths in pursuance of their policy to have got the position, but we feel thankful that they were dis- appointed. With kind regards, and praying the Lord to preserve you from the hands of your enemies and give you wisdom in all your labors, I remain Your Brother, W Woodruff

Letter to John Mills Whitaker, 12 December 1887

Salt Lake City, U. T. Elder John M. Whitaker, Historian's Office, Dear Brother: Your favor of the 10th inst., stating your circumstances and the need you have of money to settle up your indebtedness, and asking for the remainder of your pay to be given you in cash for this purpose, has been received and considered. I need not say to you how pressed we are in these days for money, there being so many obliga- tions of a new and onerous character that rest upon the President of the Church to discharge, which nothing but cash will meet. In considering your circumstances, however, it has been decided to let you have $5000 of the

Letter from Alpha Jedde Higgs, 12 December 1887

Salt Lake City, . Prest. Woodruff: Dear Bro, being notified Nov. 16th to prepare to start on a mission to the Southern States by Dec. 13th, '87, I returned a favourable reply, supposing, as was the custom when applica- tion was made, that I would be accorded the privilege of visiting England the second year. Learning, however, that the custom has been stopped for obvious reasons, I would respectfully ask, if it meet with your approval, that my mission be changed to England. I have to offer as a reason for preferring this request that I have a large number of relatives in that country and desire to hunt up genealogies in connection with my labors in dissem- inating the principles of the Gospel. awaiting an early reply, I remain Yours Truly, A. J. Higgs. Bro. G. R. If there be no reason against this asked-for change, please grant it. W. W.

Letter from I. E. D. Zundel, 12 December 1887

Washakie . Prest Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City, Dear Bro:— Inasmuch as you are still deprived of your liberty, I feel impressed to give you a brief report of the mission; The present year has not been as prosperous with us as the prevuiious ones, owing to the loss we have sustained by fire and the destruction, of part of our hay and grain by grass- hoppers; however we raised half enough grain for bread, this with the old wheat we had on hand will see us through till another harvest: Have been obliged to part

Letter to Thomas Edwin Ricks, 12 December 1887

Salt Lake City, U. T. . President Thomas E. Ricks, Bannock Stake. Dear Brother: Your favor of the 5th inst., advising me that Brother Timothy J. Winters had been selected for Bishop of Rexburg 3rd ward and had been approved for that position by the High Council and the people, has been received. As soon as you can receive a visit from one of the Twelve it will be proper to have Brother Winters ordained to that position. We trust that the visit of Brother Budge will be of great benefit to you and the people. We had hoped that Brother Lorenzo Snow would be able

Dec 12, 1887