Day in the Life

Dec 29, 1887

Journal Entry

December 29, 1887 ~ Thursday

29 I signed 15 Recommends received 12 Letters
A hand pointing to the right wrote 6 public Letters Held Meeting with the City Council

we held a Meeting with the City Council and discussed
the propriety of Granting a Minority representative
in the City Council which all presient unanimously
voted to do I spent the night at B Y Hamptons
I had an interview with David


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Woodruff, David Patten
4 Apr 1854 - 20 Jan 1937
228 mentions

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Letter from William King, 29 December 1887
Presidents Woodruff and Cannon Dear Brethren Your welcome letter of Nov. 22nd was duly received and I trust that I shall be able to fulfill all your wishes. Victoria Coles and her Father are away they ^left^ here some two ^weeks^ ago for Honolulu and I hear they have gone to Kauai Bro Coles is trying hard to dispose of some property so as to enable him to emigrate himself and Daughter to Utah as soon as they return I will acquaint them of the transaction. Bro Dean has been laboring on Hawaii with good Success having made fifty new Baptisms I should have mentioned that Enoch Farr Jr is laboring with him, they are now on Maui having arrived there about the 25th inst Bro J F Gates returned on the 18th Inst from a tour of Kauai meeting with tolerable Success though he made but few Baptisms. The Native Elders are laboring very zealously and report themselves as feeling well and making quite a number of Baptisms Bro Matthew Noall is laboring very hard and ambishously on the Honolula Meeting ^house^, he was expecting to have the
Letter from H. E. Taylor, 29 December 1887
Salt Lake City President Woodruff Dear Brother not knowing who to apply to ^nor^ who has the direction of affairs in the Ledgeslature I thought I would ask you if you will help me to the position of mesinger I will be out of imployment after this month. H. E. Taylor
Letter from Rudger Clawson, 29 December 1887
Prest Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother: Your kind letter of the 23rd inst., notifying me of the action taken by the Council of the Apostles, in relation to my- self, has been duly received. I hardly know what to say in ans- wer thereto, as, in view of the great responsibility attached to the Presidency of a Stake, I feel my unfitness, for an office of this kind. However, I shall endeavor to take a course that will merit the confidence of the Lord and of my brethern. This is and ever has been the chief aim of my life. I fully appreciate and thank you for the generous provision that was made to assist me in getting a home. Asking for your faith and prayers in my behalf, as proffered, and ever praying for the welfare of Zion, I remain, Your brother, Rudger Clawson.

Dec 29, 1887