Day in the Life

Jan 4, 1888

Journal Entry

January 04, 1888 ~ Wednesday

4 A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I signed 18 Recommends I received 15 Letters
I wrote 7 Letters to Sarah, Ensign & J Jaques &c


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Woodruff, Ensign
23 Dec 1865 - 4 May 1955
54 mentions
Jaques, John
7 Jan 1827 - 1 Jun 1900
Woodruff, Sarah Brown
1 Jan 1834 - 9 May 1909
707 mentions

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Letter to Dennison Emer Harris, 4 January 1888

Salt Lake City, . Elder Dennis E. Harris, Dear Bro. The health of Brother Wm M. Palmer, who has been presiding over the North Western Mission, is such that we consider it improdent for him to continue his services in the missionary field at the present time, espe- cially during the cold weather of winter. His lungs are very feeble, and have been much impaired by his continuous speaking. We would like him to have a respite from the labor of preaching, and therefore, in consul- tation with him, have concluded to appoint you as President for the time being in the North Western Mission. We have requested Bro. Palmer to continue his oversight of the mission. We know that his heart is in the work, and that he is familiar with that field; therefore, we shall depend upon suggestions from him from time to

Letter to Erastus Snow, 4 January 1888

P.O. BOX B. Salt Lake City, U.T. . Elder Erastus Snow, St. George. Dear Brother: Your favor of the 27th ult., in re- ply to mine asking for information concerning the mortgage for $1500.00 upon the Mountain Chief Mining Co's property, has been received. As you are on the ground and in a position to obtain all the information that is required respecting this property, we think it will be better for you to take such steps as you may deem advisable, under the circumstances, to secure the loan of $1500.00 and interest, which was made by President Taylor with the hope that it would be of benefit to the people of the southern country; and that you may be able to

Letter from Henry Lunt, 4 January 1888

President W. Woodruff Dear Brother; Enclosed please find letter enclosed from Apostle Erastus Snow which explains the necessity of me addressing you at the present time. I was in St George at Christmas and in talking with bro Snow I told him that I owned one sixth of a coal mine in Coal Creek Kanyon and the Church owned all the remainder the property is paid for to the Gov -erment and the Patent obtained, but I see bro Snow has made a mistake in his letter to you and the Council of Apostles by calling it one fourth interest that I own instead of one sixth. I did own one third of the mine but the late first

Letter to Brigham Young Jr., 4 January 1888

P.O. BOX B Salt Lake City U.T. , Elder Brigham Young, Dear Brother: Your favor of 24th Dec. has reached me. I think it of the utmost importance that everything should be done that is possible to prevent any political division among our own people in the Stakes of Snowflake and St. John's. If you have it in your power, and you have not already done so, we hope you will impress this, with all the power you have, upon the minds of the leading men. Our people should sink all petty jealousies and local rivalries and every feeling that will interfere in the least with har- monious action on their part as voters. Any division among us will greatly lessen our influence. If we

Letter from Janne Mattson Sjödahl, 4 January 1888

Manti President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City. Dear brother, I have carefully perused your communication of Dec. 27, 1887 as well as the letter from br. Carlson, which I hereby return. Permit me to say that I am perfectly willing to use the words proposed by Br. Carlson, for the ren- dering of the word "repeué," since my aim is to produce a translation which will be at the same time faithful to the original and satis- factory to the authorities of the Church. With respect to the publication of the work, I believe too that it

Letter to William Moroni Palmer, 4 January 1888

Salt Lake City, U. T. Prest Wm M. Palmer, c/o Bishop A. A. Kimball, Kanosh, Millard Co. Utah. Dear Brother:— Your letter of the 27th ulto upon the subject of appointing an Elder to preside pro. tem. in the North Western Mission, has been received. We do not think it proper to request you in your present condition of health to go out to the mission and remain there, as you propose to do, if we say so. Your health is of value to yourself, to your family, and to the cause, and we think you should take care of yourself and endeavor to recover from the attack from which you have


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Jan 4, 1888